
Ash is a Python language software package to describe, model, and study dynamic complex hypernetworks.

Who uses Ash?

The potential audience for Ash includes mathematicians, physicists, biologists, computer scientists, and social scientists.


Ash is built upon the halp python hypergraph library and is intended to provide:

  • tools for the study dynamic social, biological, and infrastructure hypernetworks,

  • a rapid development environment for collaborative, multidisciplinary, projects.

The Python Ash library

Ash is a powerful Python package that allows simple and flexible modelling of dynamic hypernetworks enriched with node attributes.

Most importantly, Ash, as well as the Python programming language, is free, well-supported, and a joy to use.

Free software

Ash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD License. We welcome contributions from the community.